The new millennium, Y2K, or the year 2000, was met with guardians at the gate. Warriors, ready to fight the hoards of people who failed to prepare for famine, failed governments, collpased energy grids and impotent businesses, gathered weapons, generators and supplies. The dark predicitons fizzled like a wet fire cracker when disaster failed to strike.
In contrast, it felt like we graciously opened the door to welcome in the second decade of this millennium. No one seemed sad to give 2009, and the first ten years, the boot. I understand why. On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged part of the Pentagon, and resulted in a plane crash in Pennsylvania. We are still pursuing Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. For the first time, Americans began to experience life with terrorism as a constant near and present danger. We precariously teetered across the tight rope of global financial meltdown and national depression.
The energy of this new decade feels positive and light rather than ominous and heavy like its predecessor. But is this new decade in its honeymoon phase? You know, in 2012, just two years from now, another apocalyptic, end of the world prophesy is foretold in the Mayan Calendar. I've already seen long-term food storage and survival guides being advertised. 2012 is touted as being real and not a Henny-Penny, sky is falling, y2k, scenario. How long are we really going to be happy with this new decade?
For many years, I've heard the widely held end of the world theory of 2012. But there are other theories. One of those is that the Mayan Calendar marked the year 2012 as the date that we, as a society, embark on a enlightened period of humanity. And that, in the years leading up to that date, we would face near catastrophic events and conditions. That times would be hard and beings who are not strong enough or prepared for this new period may leave the planet. Which made me think of all the people who were checking out last summer like Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Billy Mays. Wasn't it remarkable how many people left in one short time?
I'm going to take the position that we've gotten through the worst of those catastrophic times. And, although I know that the next few years won't be all strawberries and whipped cream, I think we are about done wading through the muck. I'm going to hold the thought that we are at the beginning of a new era, a wonderful era, and an era that will be recorded in history as the golden age on Earth.
And so it is!
I'm going to hold the same thought as you. If we believed every doomsday prediction then we would be in lots of trouble. It seems that some group is predicting a new one every few years if not every year.
I was just reading an article about a group called the "Preppers", this is a general name for anyone who is prepping for any catastrophe. Although part of me thinks these people are crazy, another part of me is thinking that maybe we all should prepare for natural diasters that occur in our areas. So I am thinking that maybe Hubby and I should go check into preparing for the "Big One" here in our state.
Okay, I better stop thinking about it and just focus on that wonderful era and that golden age on Earth. Oh that sounds so wonderful.
God bless.
I'm not optimistic about the new decade. I'm afraid terror will continue to raise its head, and economy will not recover, because absolutely nothing drastic is being done about it; on the contrary, things are deteriorating in this respect.
As for the end of the world, I believe it will happen because Man has completely violated the Creation of the universe by pollution, migration and wars. When it will happen? On an unexpected date, I suppose - it could take ten years or a hundred years, only God knows when.
As one who was expoed to terrorism many, many years ago( whilst living in W.Germany ), I haven't really noticed all that much change in combatting it. As for the whole 2012 thing; it's just more over-paid scientists trying to fit in the current world scene with old, ancient writings. I have never believed in Nostradamus, par examplar...and when it does happen, it'll happen. And there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Such is life. Such is evolution.
i have read quite a bit on 2012...just to get the gist...i am hoping for the age of enlightenment as well....whatever happens, we will accept it and it will be a good day....smiles.
I'm not going to live in fear of the future and I'm not living in regret for the past. I like the way you say we are at the beginning of a new era. And we are. It's nice reading your blog, Ronda, maybe this next ten years will see us still blogging.
Hi Ronda, I am with you on "the energy of this new decade feels positive and light" and I hope we are RIGHT! ;)
Hi Ronda!I know about it but let's enjoy the moment,let's not think of 2012!:)
I'll drink to that! I have a single friend who always says "THIS is the year I'm going to find a man!" She's notoriously picky, but every year, I really do think it will be THE ONE for her. Let's hope its the same for the rest of the warriors.
Sherry: I haven't heard about the "Preppers." What a trip that there is now a term for that catagorey of people. And about preparing for the big one? Well, I'm a former Girl Scout and always try to have a plan. "Be Prepared, that was our motto. I'm just not ready to join the OCD club.
DUTA: Living in Israel, you have lived with terrorism like we have not. That you see there continuing to be a steady rise, chills me to the bone. As far as the destruction of the Earth goes, we certainly do have the power to do it, but you are right, only God knows when.
Subby: I wonder why there has been so little change in combating terrorism? No one seems to know what to do about it. And, yes, they are trying to fit current world scenes into ancient writings but without really studying the context of the times in which they were written. So many of the words have entirely different meanings and connotations today than they did during the time of their writing.
Brian: Great point of view. Yes, whatever happens on that day, it will be a great day and we WILL accept it. Well stated.
TechnoBabe: I like that: "I'm not going to live in fear of the future and I'm not living in regret for the past." Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were still bloggin in 10 years? Wow!
Jill: I say we just go for it. If we can get enough people filling their balloons with positive lightness, we can fly.
Candie: Okay, girl. We'll stay in that moment of joy.
Jen: I'm going to put a wish for your girlfriend's man in with all my hopefulness. Let this be her year!
I saw one of those end of the year lists that chronicled who had passed away in 09'. There were a lot of people that I knew of on the list. It was very long!
I hope that this turns out to be a great decade!
Amen to that! I'm going to hold onto the positive as well. This was a terrific post and made me feel much better. Thank you!
Yes, I believe the juice has already been squeezed out of that 2012 lemon. If the world does come to an end, then so be it. Meanwhile, I'm drinking my lemonade and having strawberries and cream with Ronda!
Otin: Wow, I didn't see that list. I'll have to Google it. I'll bet it was long. So long I was having trouble remembering all the sailors.
Joanna: Thanks. Together we can turn this ol' world around. Like the Beatles sing, All you need is love.
Dorraine: It would be my pleasure to sip lemonade and nibble on strawberries and whipped cream with you as the world ends (or any time for that matter).
Somebody is always predicting the end of the world. Same as it ever was. I really got into the idea of the harmonic convergence. I had my crystals, went to Mt. Tam and OMMMed with the others. But ... nothing happened!
2012? I'm taking a wait 'n see attitude. One day at a time, sister, one day at a time.
Reya: Yes, same as it ever was! Maybe the convergence is still coming together. Vibrations are strange waves that work in their own way. Yes, one day at a time is exactly the right mantra.
I think we'll definitely see better and, unfortunately, definitely see worse. From an American perspective, perhaps this generation has seen the worst of things (9/11), but from a global perspective, there's more to come.
That downer stated, I'm just going to do what I always do: live my life and strive for the best.
Side note: the whole 2012 thing cracks me up.
The last ten years have definitely been depressing but I'd be lying if I didn't mention that bad things happen in every decade. Good things happen too. The last ten years saw a historic election in the United States, something many people believed they'd never see in their lives. Just for that I'm grateful.
We have to be optimistic. From the ashes of a forest fire rise giant trees who give shelter and fruit and shade. I'm looking forward to seeing those trees grow.
I am going to absolutely agree with you. I mean, if the end of the world is coming what can I do about it anyways? I'm just going to keep on plugging away doing great work, laughing, creating and always wearing a fantastic hat.
I Dont Buy This 2012 Stuff either.['really dont].As if life wasnt tricky enough, without throwing in something else to concern.Mind.......I'm not sure live in a Golden Era either.......But We DO Live which is Golden Enough!
I was much more inclined to believe the Y2K thing, at least there was some logic behind it. I waited and watched that night and was somewhat disappointed that nothing bad happened. I'll do the same thing in 2012. As for this being a brighter decade, I think it will, I hope it will. I don't see it getting much worse than last year or the year before but then I might have just jinxed the whole thing.
hope you're right Rhonda
seems to me, focussing on the present is a good thing
It's not the first time, though.
Thanks for visiting the Wonderland. I've had a busy weekend with my nephew's wedding and haven't been around the blog world much. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Oh, Monday is almost here and I need a day off.
Doom shmoon!
I am sitting down with Dorraine and Ronda and those strawberries and cream. REAL CREAM not that nasty Cool Whip stuff!
Christina: A big hooya to the Real Whipped Cream! Sounds so good doesn't it? Straberries, cream and great conversation, oh, yeah!
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