I'm still fussin' with the universe. Can't get my mind off of the utter magnificence of this planet we were born to ride. This big piece of rock that glitters like gold. Literally. Our planet is covered with gold. The only problem is that most of the pieces amount to the size of grain of sand in the Gobi Dessert. They are very tiny but numerous. The large veins that bristly prospectors dreamed of, and killed and fevered for, are located in only a handful of locations.
Millions of years ago, a super nova exploded. The heat of the discharge mingled with star matter and fused into gold. The explosion jettisoned particles of the metal far out into the universe. Some found their way to the newly forming Earth and became a part of its composition. This cool, tasteless metal is like no other. No wonder ancient alchemists failed to turn other metals into this lustrous, prized substance. They were no match for the power of an exploding star
Au is the symbol for the chemical element gold. It comes from aurum which means "shining dawn" in Latin. An appropriate name for something that was formed during the dawn of Earth. This icon of wealth and prestige has lured mankind to seek it for millenniums. Since gold never wears out and is always recycled, it's possible that some of the gold jewelry you wear was once a part of King Tut's mask or Roman coinage. It's has its place in our past, present and future. This metal is but one of many priceless treasures we've received from the universe. Its enduring nature is synonymous with humanity.
neat post...theres gold in dem der hills!
Our planet never fails to amaze, doesn't it.
Love that gold arrived with a bang! :)
Love is the only gold, or so said Lord Alfred Tennyson. One of my teachers told me that gold is the color of forgiveness, the highest form of healing. When I straighten out my chakras, I notice an extra chakra above my crown. It is gold. (There's an extra chakra below my root, too, which seems maroon to me).
And then there's the metal itself, as pure and beautiful as can be.
I had no idea gold came to us from an exploding supernova, but - wow - it makes so much sense.
Thank you for fussin' with the cosmos, Ronda. It really helps.
I know that gold like many things has a value based on demand. The true value is as you describe in your post. I for one gave away in many ways all the gold I owned four years ago. Freed myself from past memories and ties to earth worth. Not just gold but most things. Some time I will write about that too. I like your intellectual humanity, Ronda as well as your spirituality.
Brian: There's gold everywhere!
Marisa: Yes, how gold was formed tripped me out too.
Reya: My crown chakra is gold too. After learning how gold was formed, I can understand how artisans and great teachers associate gold with great love and healing. It was formed with such power and is so unique.
TecnoBabe: I would love to read about what lead to your give-aways and the freedom it gave you.
Wow, fantastic post, Ronda. I have a newly developed love of gold all of a sudden.
Ronda...my kiddos would think I was "THE BOMB" if I told them my gold ring could be...just MAYBE from King Tut! I'm gonna try it!
Interesting. Of course being a mineral rich country, we make a motzah out of gold mining. It resides in quartz seams. I'm not sure about the comment 'Gold doesn't bond with anything other than itself' don't we mix it with platinum to get the varying purities that are 9, 18, 22 and 24 carat?
Jai: It is so interesting how gold was formed.
Jill: Ha! Let me know how that goes.
Baino: Yes, Australia is one of the locations, like the western U.S. that has a high concentration of gold. About, the bonding thing, one source said it didn't bond with anything else and another said it could be mixed with alloys to attain the desired hardness level. Will have to check further on this one.
Our earth is a treasure trove of cool surprises. Thanks for the delight in this post, Ronda.
I like what Mark Twain said about gold also, "A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar at the top."
There is a place in Texas Hill Country called Gold Mine Creek where you can mine for gold. Shall we go?
I've never thought of gold this way - a finite matter on our planet, like water.
Flash 55 - Avian Love
Dorraine:Now I remember why I've always loved Mark Twain. I would love to met you for a gold panning session. We have a number of places here too where gold is plentiful.
Nessa: No, gold is not ephemeral. It is strong, abundant and enduring.
Gold reminds me of oil and sunshine mixed together. Wouldnt be neat to see a planet like a diamond? There must be some really odd things up there! Like that nebula that looks like god's eye...what if it is?
Really cool thought! A planet like a diamond? Oh, yeah! I am certain that nebula IS God's Eye, the center of creation.
You make me feel precious, Ronda!
In so many different ways. ;)
I love Mark Twain as well...
wow great post and great advice. I tend to only read the blogs that I find interesting .
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
Christina: Back at ya, Biker Babe.
Sewa: You got it!
Whichever way you look at it, it's mind-blowing!
Dave: It is definitely mind blowing.
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