Good Goddess! So many people are leaving the planet. I look around and see all these spirit souls rising, like wisps of mist on a pond. Their rain like scent spritzing the air as they pop out of our awareness to the Other Side. The exodus has been clipping right along since last summer when Michael Jackson swung the gates of Neverland wide open. I personally know many beings who've chosen to go just in the last two weeks. Then there were the hundreds of thousands who exited from Haiti. And recently, more left from Chile.
My spiritual teacher spoke of this last year. She said that everything is accelerating on Earth. This is the beginning of a Great Shift. New energies are being generated on this planet and in the universe. People who are frail, sensitive or compromised won't be strong enough to handle these changes. Some may simply choose not to go so fast.
Billions of us are currently living on the planet. Even though we've lost hundreds of thousands of beings, it is nearly impossible to see the hole left by their exit. I'm sure that if I went to Haiti, I would witness, firsthand, the space vacuumed of human existence. But from here, it almost seems unreal.
It makes me wonder why all these deaths are occurring. Random chance, as some suggest? A changing of the guard? Are those of us who remain really the lucky ones? Or is there something else going on that we don't know about? Like, a collosal party and we're the nerds who aren't cool enough to get an invite.
I see Michael wearing his gold lame military jacket, sweeping a stray, sticky Jheri curl off his forehead as he stands on the platform of the terminal. He waves passengers on board the train with his white, sequin gloved hand. His other hand holds his crotch while he shouts, "HEE HEE. All aboard the Soul Train, home of the swankest party in the Milky Way. Next stop Neverland. I told you my last tour would be a thriller."
I think your spiritual teacher was right. Things are changing on this planet.
In my humble opinion the changes that occur, up, in the atmosphere (climate) and under the earth ( frequent earthquaqes) - are the result of constant nuclear experiments going on in different parts of the world.
On a more spiritual level, for those who believe in GOD (I do)God is not happy, to say the least, with what we've done to his Creation - and wants to start it all from the beginning.
By the way, your title reminds us of the trains full of people being led to the death camps set up by the Nazis in Europe.
Very powerful and thought provoking post!
I agree, time to get on the bus.
Well, if they are all having some huge spirit party, I think that I will decline my invite for a while.
ah but one never knows...not like we get to pick our time and place....we definintely live in intersting times...and it will only get more so...
Once people leasn that this existance is only a stop over on our entire jorney, the world will become a better place.
Throughout history there are always times when there are big changes depending upon where you lived. It is just with all of our information overload that we have during these times it seems like we hear about it much more.
It almost makes us feel like we are there but not really there. I totally understand what you mean about that.
Not a fan of MJ's that much, so I would not want to get on his train. Maybe someone else's train.
God bless.
Just read what Realliveman said and I like it. Very true, I agree.
If there is an exodus taking place, it is ongoing in my opinion. You are right that there are so many people on the planet that even if huge numbers move into the next life it is not visible when looking at the whole picture. It is only when viewing life and death in a personal way that the changes are felt or even noticed. If your questions stir up more questions, I for one would volunteer to make the change over now and not have to witness the greed and hate and ignorance that are growing at a faster rate than the generosity and love and knowledge.
So many ways to go with this.
I do not believe MJ was very spiritually evolved so I can't see him as the vanguard to an exodus to "the in party."
There were so many lines I liked in your post.
I like the tongue-in-cheek / serious attitude, too.
DUTA: You seriously could be right about the effects of nuclear testing on the Earth and the weather. There is so much done in secret that we'll never know about. I definitely do think that Mother Earth can just buck us out of existence when she's had enough of our meddling. Yes, those trains in Nazi rule were definitely Soul Trains. I have a hard time understanding the group of people saying that never happened.
Janeywan: Welcome to Wonderland.
Otin: But what if the Grateful Dead were playing?
Brian: We never really know what is going on do we? We have our perception but there is always at least one other option.
Realliveman: Amen.
Sherry: Yes, the information comes to us so quickly now that it might just seem that there is more loss than normal. It would be interesting to see studies on attrition rates. Okay, so what if all those candy bars you post about were have a party, would you go then?
TechnoBabe: It does seem that the exodus is on going. And you point about greed, hate and ignorance re-emphasizes how important it is for those of us who believe in the power of generosity, love and knowledge to keep sending it out into the world.
Nessa: I'm not sure about MJ's spiritual evolution. I think he tried. In my mind, he wasn't so much a symbol of spirituality as he was a perfect example of a frail, sensitive and compromised being. I always try to find something humorous and positive in everything. It keeps life fun and interesting:-)
My Friend Phil (the ex-fireman) works on a casual basis for a local Undertaker.Last week was the busiest he had know.Interesting what you said......
Absolutely love the conclusion!
don't worry yourself too much, we'll get a chance to join the party. Eventually. :)
I don't know why ... or even if there are more souls than usual leaving the planet. The thing I DO know is that you are standing right there in the gateway, facing into the wind.
Step slowly away from the gate, at least take a break, wash your face, have a nosh. Please?
much love to you oh mighty one,
Tony: I think it is interesting what your friend Phil noted. The increase in the undertaking biz.
Christina: You are right, we'll join the party soon enough.
Reya: Okay, I'll step away from the Gate. I am ready for a break. I don't know if I am mighty, but I do know that I have been busy. Luckily, I have a lot of stamina. My sister calls me the Energizer Bunny. I just keep hopping along.
I'm with Otin. I'll take a rain check for about 40 years.
But you got me thinking Ronda-- Very thought provoking.
Have a great weekend.
Joanna: Sounds like you and Otin are starting your own party. Am I invited?
Hi Ronda,
Can't say that I believe in the Great Shift (with age I've come to stop believing in most big ideas), but I certainly believe in "wisps of mist on a pond" — a lovely image.
There can be no doubt that everything is accelerating on earth, nor that it has been doing so for many centuries now. I suppose that must include the number leaving. It still is true, though, that most people who have ever lived are still alive. Intriguing post.
Awesome post! Such a creative way to discuss something that's so deep.
I think there are alot of reasons why the Earth seems to be going through growing pains right now. I don't feel that it's the end or armageddon - I think our planet is merely responding and adjusting to our changing (shifting) universal energies... as we are too.
I disagree with Technobabe's assessment that we are becoming worse as a society. I think generally, we are more aware of the evil humankind has done (thanks to the media), but there is not more of it.
While trying not to sound too airy fairy, I actually believe that Love and Light are beginning to make a dent. Despite how all these human tragedies appear to us here in our mundane state, from a Divine perspective, I think it's just necessarily part of the experience we all signed up for here. Blessings.
Lorenzo: I see your point about not getting too caught up with the big ideas. The big thoins usually end up being a lot of little things rolled into one.
Dave: I feel the acceleration too. And, too, I believe that most beings who've ever lived are still here in a number of ways. Even as wisps of mist on a pond.
Felicitas: I love airy fairy! I, too, think those of us who remain as pillars of Light and Love are making a dent in the dark.
This is one party we will all be attending, eventually. I liked the thought provoking way you wove this story, Ronda. There is a shift going on, no doubt. All aboard....
Dorraine: You crack me up! Yep, it's one party we will all be attending. I'm thinking about wearing a white, sequined glove too. That and only that! All aboard...
There are so many changes that happen constantly on this earth but I do believe that the changes we're seeing right now are for a more momentous and dangerous reason. Our own actions. We do so much to harm this earth that eventually she has no choice but to fight back.
Jai: Yes, Maa (Sai Maa) sez that the Earth has karma and that she made a pact to be dormant over the last so many thousands of years. She is awakening now and is taking her rightful place and making herself known. Things that were overlooked in the past, are no longer okay. So, I do agree with you.
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...
The world is still too full, and people who persist in producing hoards of children are in no way helping the situation. Maybe Nature needs to redress the balance in the only way she knows how - enforced exodus.
Jinksy: That makes total sense. Nature takes care of its animal over popultaion just that way. And fires come through when vegetation is over grown. It makes total sense that Mother Earth would too.
Ronda, I read this earlier this morning and have been contemplating it ever since. You're so right, in so many ways. There is obviously a mass exodus going on, but how many of us stop to think about the 'why' of it all? Not enough. I can't imagine being gifted enough to witness all those souls crossing over, though I'm certain there are times you feel it's more of a curse than a gift. This must surely be one of those times, and you must be quite adept at separating your own self from the emotions of those crossing over, and those left behind who are feeling that loss.
I do believe there is something happening that we, as mere mortals on this earth, cannot possibly fathom, but I also believe that something will be revealed to us sooner than we expect.
My son has been so fascinated with this phonomenon, as well as Revelations in the King James version of the Bible, quite a bit lately. He's 12-years-old, so while I know that has a lot to do with it, (that being an age when we naturally begin to wonder more about "what life means"), I also can't help but wonder if he's experiencing something he isn't yet comfortable in sharing with me. All his questions have left me completely drained! I try to answer as best I know how, but when it comes to the ones I don't know the answer to, well, it wears me out. I've always hated to say "I don't know" when either of my children ask me something, but I have to tell the truth, and the truth is I really don't know the answers to most of those questions. I just tell him what I believe, and then try my best to guide him to the best resources for finding the answers. As long as he knows I'm listening, and that I care, I can't worry about it any further.
It is interesting that so many psychic mediums have mentioned lately that more and more children are coming forward with their knowledge of the Other Side, and with their abilities to communicate with the Other Side. Why is that I wonder. Definitely something to think about.
Gosh! I really didn't mean for my response to be longer than your post! :) You've just set me to thinking, and I appreciate that very much. Sometimes it hurts my head to think so hard, but I always enjoy it. :)
Hm. Will ponder.
Deanna: Your son is an example of the heightened awareness being noted by highly attuned people. Everything is accelerating including awareness and enlightenment. They believe that we are ALL enlightened already and we've just forgotten who we truly are. This forgetting is called the veil of forgetfulness.
Children are coming forward with their veil less in tact. They have higher perception and memories. What takes us most of our life to remember (if we are lucky and really work on it), the are getting much sooner. I think you are handling his questions quite well by not sweeping them under the carpet. Is this your autistic son?
Megan: Ponder on, Cake Girl!
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