Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dreary, Dreary First of Oct

In all life, there is balance...duality. Day and night. Love and hate. Sweet and sour. Happiness and sadness. And, as it is in life, so it is in the Wonderland. If you remember "Happy, Happy First of May Outdoor F***ing Starts Today," have you considered that all things must come to an end?

Today is that sad, end of times. "Dreary, Dreary first of there's no more outdoor c*ck."

Although...we are going to a First of Oct party this weekend. And if the weather warms up a bit, maybe...just maybe, we can extend the season another few days. Oh, don't worry. It wouldn't be a group thing. We, in the Wonderland, are a little too modest (and saggy) for such shenanigans.


Mrsupole said...

I think you get seasons up there and we pretty much do not get so much of a change, I means last year in November we were still running our A/C's and it was so freaking out. And what we call cold is probably cool to you. But this is why we love it here. Fall can sometimes be cool, but you know we rarely wear any heavy jackets down here. Just need them for when you go drive to the mountians. And since menopause I have rarely even worn a sweater. I like traveling with it being cold. 30 is a really good temperature, oh it feels so good.

I do home your October turns out to be wonderful.

God bless.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

oh drat I missed that may 1st memo and now here it is the fist of october. well, there's always next year!

Leah said...

Outdoor shenanigans! I have partaken several times, always amazing to be in touch with nature in all of its delights.

You are always so much fun to visit, Ronda.

Dorraine said...

Yeah, unfortunately we have no outdoor shenanigans until October! We are still running our air-conditioning. I'm so ready for cool weather now. To be back outside, walking in the woods.

Brian Miller said...

lol. the slight chill in the air is not quite conducive, but maybe a warmer day will bless us...hahaha

Mary said...


I was touched, however, by many postings in pink today....oh yeah - THAT October.
I'm just happy to have survived and will take shenanigans where ever - when ever.

Anonymous said...

Alas, all things do come to an end. But better things are always ready to start right up ;)

Ronda Laveen said...

Sherry: Yes, I believe we do have more divison than you do between seasons up here...but not much. It gets incredibly hot in summer and then pretty cool in winter...20's and 30's. Not cold like some areas of the country but a 100 degrees between summer and winter temps is a lot.

Mouse: Sorry you missed the May memo but, you're right, another May is just around the corner and now you'll be much more informed.

Leah: Well, we, in the Wonderland, require more padding now and some things change but the effort is worth the extra work. Have you heard the saying, "Slower than two old people in bed?" Ten years ago, I used to wonder what that meant when one of my client's used to say I know. Oh well, at least we still use the bed.

Dorraine: We just hit cooler weather on Monday. Over the weekend we hit 110 and 111 on Saturday and Sunday. I thought I was going to have to revise this post but, amazingly, on Monday we were in the 70's--a 40 degree swing. And now, maybe showers this weekend. But it could just as easily be in the 100s again. Sending you wishes for weather suitable for a nice walk.

Brian: Ahhh, concerned about the "shrinkage" I see.

Mary: Is it that cold there already? Yes, it is THAT October already. I've donated several massages to different fund raisers for the walk. Cheers to you!

Subby: Yes, you are a military man. Standing at attention is probably ingrained in your approach to life.

Ronda Laveen said...

Kat: Gravity is a harsh mistress. Especially when one is trying to lift their a$$ in the air during a Pilates class.

Mike said...

Naked? Outdoors? Only if I am at a camp for the blind! LOL!

Ronda Laveen said...

Otin: All you need is your Wizard's cape and your magic wand:0

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

We had COLD this a.m but the sun shone so BRIGHTLY it made me THINK it was warm for some "outdoor activities?" DEFINITELY something that will have to wait for next spring!

Ze O said...

Haha!! Another wonderful post!

Don't forget: in front of the fireplace is a pretty decent spot too, though.

Mary said...

BUUURRR - down to 35 the last two nights....I will not surrender. I will not turn on the heat. Thanks for your comments - I know I come to you from Marysverandah and from Maryschurch - but it's all me.

Ronda Laveen said...

Jill: Maybe outdoor will have to wait but check out Christina's comment below.

Christina: In front of the fireplace? Rrrrrrr (my Cougar purr--or is it the kitty kat from your recent post?) What a good idea! I think even a candle or a tap light will work if no fireplace is available. I guess as long as you have a "log," all will be well.

Mary: 35 degrees? Brrrr is right! We get cool here compared to you! We get 25-35 degress in Jan and Dec. But those temps in way. My Cali butt couldn't hang w/that. My pleasure Mary.

Jai Joshi said...

Ronda, you crack me up! I've never heard either of those lines but now I'll never be able to forget them.

The weather here in Dallas switched exactly after Labor Day. It went from triple digits to mild fall days and cooler nights. I've never seen it change so abruptly. Tonight I came out of a resturant where I was having dinner with friends and we were all chilled by the night air. We're not used to it being cold!


Ronda Laveen said...

Jai: Simple is as simple does. In May, you will know what to do. In Oct, you will know what not to do. Simple, Ya? The change of seasons abrupth? Yes, here too! Only a few more days and you will be India...checking out your possible future hubby. How cool is that?


Candie said...

What is it Ronda?That is a beautiful sky,no nothing to dread,it's all good!Here it's warm compare to last year.I'm wishing you a great friday and weekend too!Wine,oh sweet wine to watch that sky,light playing with dark,beautiful!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Hi Ronda... take a deep breath...

Thanks for such a great comment over at my place. Do you remember the Dead had note taking thingy? It was another language. -J

CiCi said...

Way too cold for outdoor shenanigans but when I am beside my hubby on the couch I call him my personal heater. I don't know how his body can be so warm but in winter I am grateful that it is.

Ronda Laveen said...

Candie: Oh yeah, wine and that sky and watching the sunset would be perfect. You have a great weekend to in that warm part of France.

H-H: I sure do remember the Dead and the note taking. That was such a great post.

TechnoBabe: Isn't it amazing how some people do just put out heat like your hubby? Like Christina said, in front of the fireplace is a nice spot.

SG said...

Ah.. it indeed is a strange world.. you feel sad as October starts.. I feel happy to the pleasant weather that lies in store for the next few months :)

Baino said...

I am late. I always am these days but sad as I am that your outdoor shennanigins have come to an end, mine are about to begin. Mercury is out of friggin retrograde and spring is in the air. All I need is someone to shennanig with! Actually I'm lying after a 2 week Indian Summer it's pissing rain but we need it . . .skinny dipping will have to wait until November. The trick my sweet is to assume the missionary position . .smooths everything out as long as you can prevent your boobs sliding under your armpits. Ok. . I'm going now.

lettuce said...


I hope they'll be good shenanigans

Ronda Laveen said...

Phoenix: And so it is, one person's conflict is another's solution. Enjoy!

Baino: Can you hear my laughter all the way down under? Such sage advice but I am afraid gravity has gotten the best of in the Armpit Boob-Slide department. I'm glad you pointed that out because I was afraid they were swollen lymphy glands. And yes, Mercury is out of friggin retrograde. Yea! I'll do a coning for your Shennanigan Man.

Lettuce: Even when I'm bad I'm good:-)

Barbara Martin said...

Once we have a hard frost or a bit of snow the temperature will warm almost to summer temperatures for a few days or weeks, which we call "Indian Summer".

The first of October isn't that bad, yet. No snow, just thunderstorms.

Anonymous said...

We were just hit by a terrible storm.. :(

Hope you have the best weather to enjoy..^^

tony said...

Well.......(*scratches head*).I guess Warmth In Numbers?although, having my own fair share of saggy bits, I take Your Point!

Ronda Laveen said...

Barbara: I always wondered what was meant by Indian Summer. We just plain ol' have summer and the next day fall. Not much in between.

Sash: At the first of Oct party yesterday afternoon, we had a few drops of rain but, didn't last long. The band was still able to play on till early eve. Twas getting cold and windy though.

Tony: Ha! Some how, the vision of a geriatric orgy changes the entire concept of "Warmth in numbers."

Ze O said...
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Ze O said...

Well, Ronda, let me tell you that we are having an unusually warm October thus far.
It DOES bring out the Kitty Kat in me - with the full moon and all... *Laaa!*

Party looks like it was great fun!

Ronda Laveen said...

Christina...oops* Kitty Kat..the party was quite fun.