Monday, June 14, 2010

Stinky Stats

The following is excerpted from an e-mail that is currently making the rounds:

Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? In addition, they are gouging us on oil prices. An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just purchase gas from companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis.

The following gas companies import Middle Eastern oil:

Shell..................................... 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco....................... 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil.......................... 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway.................. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco................................... 62,231,000 barrels

Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

Sunoco............................0 barrels
Conoco............................0 barrels
0ASinclair........................0 barrels
BP / Phillips......................0 barrels
Hess..............................0 barrels
ARC0.............................0 barrels
Maverick.........................0 barrels
Flying J..........................0 barrels
Valero............................0 barrels
Murphy Oil USA*................0 barrels
*Sold at Wal-Mart

My sister, Bichy Mama (BM), smelled some stinky gas statistics in this e-mail. Being sleuthy, like her big sister, she had a clandestine meeting with Deep Throated Rock Star (DTRS) to get the real poop on this story. DTRS has long been a mole in the gas biz. He definitely knows the difference between his gas and a hole in the ground.

"Bichy Mama:

This information is about 25% accurate. Valero is the only 100% American company using the most domestic crude oil, but they buy crude on the open market from all sources. Exxon/Mobil is number 8 on the list of companies that own crude oil. Numbers 1-7 are not companies at all they are countries like Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Russia etc... Wal-mart buys from all sources which, undoubtedly, includes imported oil."

My friends, be careful about getting too caught up in these viral letters written to stir up the pot. I would have re-printed the entire letter but it was quite long. It was written to evoke fear, anger and was also very pro Wal-Mart. This one belongs in the toilet, and I'm going to give it three flushes.

Thanks sleuthy BM and rockin' DTRS. You've done your part to make this world a saner place. Your secret decoder rings are in the mail.


Jai Joshi said...

Thanks for the tip, Ronda! I can't stand those emails that rile people up and give all sorts of misleading information.

The plain fact is, if you want to stop giving the Saudis money then buy a car that doesn't run on gas. Simple as that.


Mrsupole said...

Whenever I get an email that is claiming to be factual and I am not sure about it's truthfulness or lack of it, I send it off to my older sister who checks it out and will let me know what is right and what is wrong.

But if the email is supposed to be a joke then it is fair game to send on as is. Although I do sometimes wonder if some people do not know it is a joke and think it is the truth. Then I really have to wonder what is wrong with the joke that they are not getting the joke.

I have not seen this gas one and it is nice to know the truth about this one. But I just knew that tick one was real because of that guy coming to my door.

I think I can never get too many joke emails. I just love to laugh and some of them really make me laugh so much.

God bless.

Jinksy said...

The more people who stop buying ANY 'gas' (petrol to a Brit like me) the better for our planet...

Baino said...

Good point Ronda. I'm a huge fan of a website called and whenever I get something like this that does have a bit of a smell about it (usually fishy) I go straight there for the low down. Mostly, they're absolute muck-raking rubbish.

Reya Mellicker said...

Thank you for the reality check. We are way too easily convinced that anything floating around over the internet is true. Not so!

Nice new template, sister. xx

TechnoBabe said...

Like Baino, I check and sometimes I go further with some of my own sleuthing. I stopped watching TV years ago because I realized I was being fed crap. Now I investigate what I hear. Good post, Ronda. We shouldn't believe an email that finds its way to our screens. It doesn't take a lot of time to verify something.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I am happy to read the GOOD detective's findings!! Some of those e-mails are COMPLETE RUBBISH!

Love the look of the bloggo!

Ronda Laveen said...

Jai: This email was so imfammatory it was nearly unbelievable. Pushing so much suspicion and fear of those not "American."

Sherry: You make a good point. Some of them are jokes. Whew! Glad you knew the one I sent you about the tick was a joke. But at least that man got to see a beautiful thing...your body!

Jinksy: Yes, we definitely need to switch to more alternative sources. So much resistance around the unknown I guess.

Baino: I know about Snopes. I haven't actully gone there to see how it works but it is a good source.

Reya: In a way, it is such a resource for those who want to misrepresent and defraud to easily do so. Like the people who were boycotting Arizona Tea because of Arizona's immigration laws. But the product isn't even made there. I'm playing with Blogger's new Design templates. Kinda fun.

TechnoBabe: There is so much bias to most things out there that they bear close scrutiny. I knew you were a check-up kinda gal.

Jill: Those detectives always have their nose to the ground. Glad you like the new look.

Sam Liu said...

Thanks for clearing this up, I find these emails utterly atrocious. I just hope people are wise enough not to fall for them.

notesfromnadir said...

Thanks for posting this information. I didn't know that about Valero. I know they're always less expensive & now I fully appreciate why they are & will continue to patronize them.

Nessa said...

Most of these kinds of emails are like that.I try to do my own research.

Ronda Laveen said...

Sam: Unfortunately, so many people, myself on occasion, just hit forward without really thinking.

Notes: We don't have many Valeros around here. I'll have to keep my eyes open as I will patronize them too.

Nessa: Yes, they are!

Dorraine said...

Got this one a while back, but didn't put much stock in it, thankfully. Appreciate the in depth clear up.

Your super sleuths will love those decoder rings!

Jen said...

I automatically delete all those chain letters. Right now I'd rather give money to the Saudi's than BP...

Ronda Laveen said...

Dorraine: Good for you. These are special Wonderland decoder rings.

Jen: Ya got a point, girl.

tony said...

Its Strange How We Still Leave Ourselves Open to Information in emails & suchlike in a way we wouldnt via snail mail.
I guess everybody is super-sensitive to Oil-Issues at the moment?

Dave King said...

I agree with jinksy, it's ALL gas (petrol) we want to avoid. I do believe even the President sees that now!

Ronda Laveen said...

Tony: uou are right. If we'd gotten this snail mail, I'd have pitched it in the trash.

Dave: it took this to turn the President's thinking around. But he's seeing the light now.

Ze O said...

Haha! a while ago I got this email suggesting for each and every person to buy gas from only one company (I think they suggested Shell) in order to lower gas prizes. If the other ones can't sell their gas, they will be forced to lower their prices and people will then buy their gas and then Shell will have to eventually lower their price as well. Makes just as much sense, doesn't it?

Great post, Ronda!

Gemel said...

That was a fab post. I can't stand those types of emails either..

JGH said...

Thanks for the heads-up. Good to know. Especially since I'd probably run out of gas trying to find one of those "middle east oil-free" companies on that list!

Deanna Schrayer said...

I never have understood how anyone can believe the crap thrown around via these emails. My poor mama is one who does. And all it does is cause the stock market to go into a flip-flop because people stop spending money.

Love the way your portrayed these stinky stats Ronda.

Ronda Laveen said...

Christina: I know. This one so pro Wal-Mart that it was crazy. And pro hate. It looked all good at first glance but the more I read it, the worse it was.

Gemel: People think others are so dense and can't think for themselves.

JGH: You make a good point. All your effort to be Saudi free would be for naught.

Deanna: Yes! The stock market gets all out of whack when people go on their misunderstood missions of boycot. Makes me wonder if some people don't use these emails for just that reason.