Dana, The Goddess of Herbaceous Delight
The Crystal Bowl
Tomorrow marks the first day of spring. The 2009 vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere occurs Friday, March 20, at 4:44 am PDT; 11:44 UT. It is one of the four grand solar celebrations of the year. For the moment, Mother Earth is equally balanced in the dark and the light, soon to roll over into longer lengths of day. The year, a toddler at Candlemas in February, is now a young girl. Full of life. Full of promise. Full of love and joy. Fresh faced and beaming. Sampling what life has to offer, the clouds of sorrow and the brightness of the sun pass over her as quickly as they do the spring sky.
It is a time to plant the vegetables that will become the stores of fall harvest. Fertile seeds hold the prospect of new plants. New life. The ancient Italian custom of planting the gardens of Adonis on the first day of spring, persists in Sicily. After the planted seeds sprout, the women wrap the stalks with red ribbons and place them on graves on Good Friday. A scarlet reminder that life has cheated the Grim Reaper of his prey.
This is a time to celebrate the retreat of the dark part of the year. The light is coming. The Earth grows strong and gives new, green life under the warm, gentle persuasion of the sun. This time of planting symbolizes all of the attributes we wish to manifest during the coming year--love, grace, patience, understanding, wisdom, peace, abundance. All this and more, I see in my crystal bowl.
For some reason, right now I am craving a tomato and cucumber sandwich. I think I really need to try and get a garden growing this year. Thank you so much for this infomation about needing to get things planted now.
God bless.
PS...can I have a few of those avocadoes...they would go great on that sandwich too. Plus it was downright hot here today. 12:30am and it is in the 70's here.
Yay Spring!
About the picture, let me be the first to say...no no...let someone else.
Happy Thursday to you.
Sherry: Take what ever you need for your sandwhich.
Tom: Happy Thursday to you too!
How very Austin Powers of you. I saw the photo in Reader and nearly fell off my chair with laughter then this totally zen post. Sorry, I so love this Thursday theme thing, my kids think I'm insane cos I laugh a the screen . .often! It's Autumn here but hey it's warm we can plant what we like! Melons? I think not baby puppy!
I'm with you 100%!
I hear you!!!
Have a great day!
happy spring!!
when I lived near a community garden I always grew veggies, but in my little city yard, I now concentrate on planting flowers as I've found that going to the local farmer's market brings me better veggies than I could grow in my little beds....although I do always grow lots of herbs with my flowers - nothing like fresh herbs to spice up one's food!
dana's cup doth runneth over! loverly photo!!
oh my! lol. funnt pic. may your sowing, reap a bountiful harvest of that which you seek for the year. nice post.
The light is coming :o)
Ok, you convinced me I will do my seedings.
Hilarious pic.
Ah spring. In Oregon that means only 3 more months of rain...
Best Picture Ever.
Hilarious pic!
Love the post, loooooove springtime... I'm going to be out there celebrating with my veggies!
Wow - that's a pic! Great post!
Nice post, Ronda. I should've checked my calendar, on this! I thought it started Saturday?!?
Yes spring is here lol
As for the pic...I'll laugh about it all day lol
Thank you
take care
peace and love
Spring is almost here hurray hurray.
That pic had me laughing, a new goddess of fertility.
the post was so serious I was a bit hesitant to comment on the well uhm.. suggestive photo. haha. but seems like everybody's joined in the fun!
Baino: Thank you. I love Austin Powers, being a nerdling myself. The photo was my tribute. My friend Dana is so much fun. I just happend to run across it in my photos. It was taken at a party last summer. One of the few vegetable pictures I have. That and the vegetable boquet I posted in side bar. Are you sure melons aren't veggies? Oh.
Candie: Thanks. I feel you too! You sure have been crankin' out the work lately.
Mariane: Yes, the Light is coming! It makes me happy too. I am ready. Enough hibernation time.
Brian: Thanks. May your harvest be plentiful too!
VE: I live a few hours south of you in upper northern Cali about an hour and a half south of the Oregon border. We go north when we need some cool.
Mouse:I grow mainly flowers and herbs now too. My veggies aren't so good. And we also have wonderful local famers markets. I bless those people for making my life so much easier and tasty.
Crone: Thanks so much. Hope you are feeling better.
Leah: Hope you and your veggies have a grand time bringing in Spring!
Wings: Thanks. Nice to meet you.
subtrop77: Yeah, I almost missed it too.
Marianna: Have a joyous spring day.
Dakota: Yes, she makes a wonderful goddess, doesn't she.
Reyjr: Glad you joined in the fun.
Even the most serious of times contain many bits of humor. I see no reason to miss it. Happy spring.
Heh, heh! That picture cracked me up!
Spring and all is okay, but I'm a dark-half-of-the-year person; I like Fall colors and Winter snow and fires in the fireplace and Samhain and Yule and all that. So I get a little sad when Spring comes. But I'll take all the veggies the season can throw at me.
Roy: Did you say you want me to throw veggies at you?
And that's why (the photo) I never have more than one glass of vino at the bacchanal...
Patrice: Good wine rule.
Omigoodness that picture. WHAT a great shot. Does she read your blog??
What a cutie!
Well placed veg, is all I'm sayin' . . .
Megan: I love this picture of her. She says she reads my blog.
Tut-Tut: I worked on my placement. And, do you notice how one side is a little bigger than the other and one points a little up and the other a little down? Kind of reminds me of someone...hmmm, oh yeah, me!
Excellent! spring starts tomorrow? I sure hope the weatherman or laday knows it...snow snow snow!
great picture! spring can't get here fast enough
All I can say is bring it on Spring..give me your best shot..I'm ready for longer, warmer days. I'm ready for green and colorful..I'm just ready to shake off the winter.
Let me be the first to wish you a very happy Vernal Equinox.
Colette: Yes, spring starts tomorrow. Very early in the morning. Let this serve notice to the weather man.
Jamie: It's here! It's here!
Mindy:Green, colorful, longer,warmer days, yesiree and yipee. Thank you and Happy Vernal Equinox to you too.
I like the smile on Dana's face. Happy spring to you.
Sassy photo! Wonderful images of Spring in your writing.
But I'm heading into Autumn!
R.L. Yes, she has a beautiful grin going on.
Cali Girl: Thanks, she is a sassy lassie.
Kris: Autumn? Really?
It certainly looks like you are ready for spring.
Lovely post! I'm ready to greet spring today!
Hi Ronda Laveen,
Thank-you! for sharing! your wonderful story about the rites of Spring (From old man /Winter to new birth/Spring) and a bowl of fruit in a crystal bowl.
I'am so glad that I stopped by your blog for the first time.
Deedee ;-D
Michael & Diana: Yes, I am ready to greet spring as, so it seems, are many others. I like winter but I am done. Time to move on.
DeeDee: I am also glad you stopped by. Welcome.
*clutch my pearls!*
I wish my veggies look like that!
Thank you for making me laugh.
LOVE the Goddess of veggies! Beautiful salute to springtime, too.
Yes, what seeds are we planting now? How will we tend them? What's in store?
I feel the upwards surge of spring energy so strongly now I can hardly sit still. Glad I did sit long enough to read this, though.
Love to you and your crystal bowl.
Spring Has Sprung! A Fruitful Summer To Ronda!
Auntie: Yes, she does have a wonderful array of veggies doesn;t she. We all need reasons to laugh and enjoy now.
Reya: Thank you Reya. Yes that pull, that upward tug of spring is certainly electrifying. It is time to plant the seeds of the next harvest at Beltane. What kind of garden do we want in six weeks? Flowers, salsa, herb, abundance, peace, grace? A bit of time to ponder then act and plant.
Tony: Thanks and a fruitful summer to you too.
Ronda stop on over, luv! I've left you a modest token of my thanks :)
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