Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Chiaroscuro Effect

On this night noir, the grapefruit moon cuts a chiaroscuro effect. His low-key, back light gives a shimmer to the vapors schoonering across his Swiss cheese face. With my hair flying around my head and lifting against my arms, I press the button.

John F. Kennedy's voice, echoing off the concrete dam, fills the void of nearly 50 years. Fills my ears with the recording of his dedication speech. He was here. Here--dedicating Whiskeytown Dam--less than two months before his assassination in 1963.

It feels like he never left. Like a ghostly part of him remains in the peace of this post-card-worthy valley. A part that never went to Dallas. A part that is still married to Jackie. A part that comforts his son, John Jr., as he drowns in the ocean a few miles off the island of Martha's Vineyard. A part that visits his grandchildren born of Caroline.

I jump as I feel his hand lightly brush mine. Is it my imagination? The logical part of my mind tells me it is but all of my other senses, including my eyes, tell me that he is right here in front of me speaking.


Anonymous said...

Ronda, sends a chill up my spine! But wouldn't be awesome to meet such a prominent ghost?

Mike said...

I love how everyone has different takes on theme thursday, yours was awesome!

Baino said...

Ronda I can honestly say that I was about 9 when JFK died but I remember it with such clarity. Places evoke 'ghosts'. Not those ethereals in white sheets or shimmering orbs but the presence of what was. I felt the same at Culloden in Scotland and Dachau in Germany and at Stonehenge and the Tower of London where so many lost their 'heads' . .Even the Cenotaph in Canberra . .mighty places with a vibe rather than ghosts but a powerful emotional feeling nonetheless.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Love your take on TT! Historical too.

Your header photo is EXCELLENT!

Reya Mellicker said...

I bet he's still hanging around. I wonder what he makes of all that has happened since he died?

Ronda Laveen said...

Subby: You are right. It would be powerful to meet with such a historical presence. This area is a few mile from my house and whenever I am there, I truly feel his spirit.

Otin: Yes, there is such diversity among us bloggers. I rarely see exactly the same theme twice. Such creativity.

Baino: I was probably just a year older than you when JFK died. I still think about it. It is hard to believe he was only in office for barely two years. I have not visited all those places you listed but am so interested to hear how you feel the presence of the past. There is always a lot of energy or souls that linger. It is palpable.

Jill: Thanks. I love that photo too. The colors and the imagery.

Reya: I truly, truly feel him when I am up his memorial. We usually go up to the lake, just 15 minutes from my house, at least once a year just to sit in the moonlight or sunrise and listen to his speech. Interesting question about what he would make about all that has happened. Do you think he feels validated by Clinton? What do you think he would feel about Russia and Cuba?

Brian Miller said...

chilling. standing in his shadow...i wonder what he would have to say to the world he left behind?

Candie said...

wow,I can feel the intensity of such a place.Really nice post Ronda!:)

Ze O said...

I too am pretty "obsessed" with JFK, (Not that I'm saying you're obsessed or anything! :-o)

Amazing post!

BTW: LOVED your comment on my latest! XD

Ronda Laveen said...

Brian: You bring up an interesting question. Something like, WTF? Can't you guys get it together without me? Cowboy up!

Candie: Thanks. It is an intense place.

Christina: There seems to be this thread of interest in JFK that bastes through my life. Your graphic was great! they make them?

Gemel said...

Thank you for taking me with you, energy radiates from your words...

Kris McCracken said...

JFK was known for his wandering hands...

Ronda Laveen said...

Gemel: Yes. Energy radiates from that space. It is quite powerful.

Kris: JFK was most certainly know for his wandering hands. I almost put in something about Marilyn and other women but thought I would keep it private for his family. Maybe her learned better in the after life.

Leah said...

You're so right about the energy that fills certain places, that comes from those who once walked there. I believe it, I feel it myself at times. It can be very very strong.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Interesting. I was hoping for a bootleg recording of Jesus dedicating heaven to the people of Earth but JFK as a ghostly voice is definitely my second choice. Nice take on the theme.

Ronda Laveen said...

Leah: The region of the country that you live in is very old compared to the left coast. The karma is greater as is the energy. I am sure that you do feel it strongly.

VE: I do have that recording but it's gonna cost ya. BIG TIME.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

great addition to tt! would love to visit this attraction someday.

I love the word chiaroscuro - the fact I have run across it twice within a week is most mysterious!

gave a great weekend!

mouse (aka kimy) said...

have I mean ....but gave is good if one gives....ha ha

Ronda Laveen said...

Mouse: That is mysterious that you've heard chiaroscuro twice this week. I ran across it in a film noir site and loved the word and what it meant.

Megan said...

It's fascinating to think on what might have happened had the shots missed him. I wonder where this country would be, today?

Mrsupole said...

Hi Ronda,

I am with Megan on this one, wonder what would have happened had he lived. It is funny how we seem to remember two main things in our lives. When JFK was shot and when the Beatles came to America.

I also wonder how JFK would be thinking about the people today who have the opposite attitude of him in that they are always asking what the country can do for them instead of "Asking what you can do for your country." I always think in some way that he would be so dissappointed in us.

So yes, I totally wonder what would have become of our country if he could have lived long enough to see us doing things for our country. And what would he say about us not buying American made products, but instead buying made "there". Sad to think how much has changed since back then.

I love all the places you live so close to. It must be amazing to live near so many fantastic places. I really like that so many of your stories are so entwined with these places of so much historical value.

Thank you for sharing them.

God bless.

Ronda Laveen said...

Megs: If he hadn't been assassinated, I'm pretty sure he would have served two terms. It is very interesting that he was one of the few presidents who was strong enough to not over react and go to war when the war mongers insisted during the Bay of Pigs.

Sherry: Yes, indeed. The Beatle's and JFK seem to remain linked so strongly in our generation. It is a national disgrace that we sell ourselves out and decline our economics by buying so many foreign made product. I try to buy American as much as possible. In clothing it is getting harder and harder.

I live in such a beautiful, abundant area that I sometimes take for granted the beauty I see every morning when I step out my front door. I think that is why I try to post about it regularly, to remind myself of my wonderful fortune.

Ronda Laveen said...

Kat: My pleasure. I enjoy your blog a lot.

Whoistin-tinandsnowy? said...

Hi! Ronda,
I'am so sorry!...for being unfashionable late to the party, but I agree with you, 100% when it comes to the thought of standing where others...that made the transition from this realm to the next realm...may have stood, sat or visited etc, etc, kind of, an eerie feeling I guess...and to think I didn't have to look up the words "chiaroscuro and "noir"...because these two words are part of my vocabulary.
Ronda, Thanks, for stopping by my blog(s) and wishing me well!...last week.
Take care!
DeeDee ;-D

Ronda Laveen said...

DeeDee: I know that the words "chiaroscuro" and "noir" are in your vocabulary. I found them in your site or links to your site. The are wonderful words. Thanks so much and I am so glad you are feeling better.