Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Times, They are a Changin'!

The times, they are a changin'. Yes, indeed! This morning, the sun broke through like it had been held captive by the clouds for a hundred years. Unleashing a perfect spring day. The open-all-your-windows-and-let-the-breeze-clean-house kind of day.

Thursday, for the first time since 1927, astrologically speaking, Uranus moved into Aries bringing with it a huge shift. Have you noticed anything different in your life in the last few days? I did. The last couple of months, to me, the energy has been syrupy and gummy. Sticky. Stagnate. Eerily like the calm before the storm. Not moving to the normal rhythms. And then...POW...BANG! A big switcheroo. This is a time of good fortune, unexpected events and huge energetic shifts.

Yesterday, I was slammed with massages, working from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. It was a long day but a good day and definitely a practice of being in the "NOW." I woke up feeling a bit worn but not too bad for all the wear. Then AWESOMENESS started lining up.

My sister sent me a heart warming e-mail with pictures of my great nephew. I love my sister.

I also had mail from blog pals Reya and Christina.

Next, Ellen, my Pilate's instructor and friend, called me in early for my session. Once upon a time, she lived in New York, danced with the New York City Ballet and has been known to pirouette with Baryshnikov. She worked me hard and got all my kinks out. As we were finishing, her sister, Maggie, came in to teach the Zumba class. She shared with us two dozen of the 20 dozen golden yellow roses a new suitor had given her. And exactly when she started passing them out, the song Send me an Angel started playing.

On the way home, I stopped by the park, which was popping with activity of walkers, runners, cyclists and Segwayers, to take some pictures of the river. The Sacramento River snakes through town and is so pervasive that I often take her for granted. But not today. As fate would have it, the first picture I was guided to take was of a couple letting their dogs cool their feet and get a drink at the edge of the water. Then, BAM, they turned toward me and they were friends I have known most of my life!

I'd received all this goodness and it wasn't even 11:00 yet. There's going to be lots more to come, I just know it! Old patterns are falling away and breaking down. Heck, when I got home, I even decided to vacuum in the reverse direction I usually follow through the house. Why not, eh?

Off to buy Margaritas, salsa and chips. There'll be no hot chocolate this weekend. The forecast is for sunny and warm. Bring it on, Uranus! Oh, yeah. OH, YEAH!


Brian Miller said...

smiles. sounds like someone is having a great weekend...just got off work myself and chips, salsa and margaritas sounds divine...

CiCi said...

I am so glad your weekend is full of good things and good people. Your energy level sounds phenomenal and your aura must be dazzling. Hugs to you.

Ronda Laveen said...

Brian: The chips and salsa were fab...margaritas coming soon:-) Cheers!

TechnoBabe: You are so right about my energy level being high. And now that you mention it, my aura does feel dazzling, thank you.

Megan said...

Hey, I took chips and salsa to the party today!

And yes, I have felt a shift. But it could be just me and summer. We've got a thing goin' on, summer and me.

Dave King said...

The weekend's going well enough so far - can't say that's how it was up to Friday. Intriguing twist you've given it. Super photo of your great nephew. An interesting and varied post.

Charmaine Clancy said...

Love the doggies in the water :-)

Anonymous said...

I hadn't realised anything about planets changing etc... but now you come to mention it the last couple of days have been pretty decent for me too!

Felicitas said...

That's awesome news! Bring it on!

I actually had a shift this week too. Creativly, I feel as though I've finally figured out what I'm supposed to be doing. And Friday morning, when I went out to walk with my dog everything seemed just a little brighter and more wonderful. If that was Uranus' doing... FABULOUS!

Ronda Laveen said...

Megan: From what I saw on your blog, not only do you and summer have a thing goin' on but, Pie Crust is a worthy rival.

Dave: May your weekend continue to go well. It was a very varied day!

Charmaine: They were so cutE!

ED: I think your decentness is going to continue:-)

Felicitas: My creative line also became clearer. And, the way you explained everything looking just a little bit brighter was exactly what I noticed. Uranuns rocks!

Baino said...

Well I'm hoping for a major shift! It's pouring here and nothing on the horizon yet! I'll keep the radar on!

Leah said...

Lovely! Just lovely. It makes me happy just to read.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

I am happy to see you relax, enjoy something crunchy and tasty..
lovely post.
love the river with you in it.

Ronda Laveen said...

Baino: Hopefully something will pop for you soon. Everything is in place for good changes!

Leah: It was a happy, happy day! Lively and bright.

Jingle: Isn't that river lovely? I just love it.

Mrsupole said...

Okay, I am oh so getting tired of blogger eating my comments or maybe it doesn't go through when I click and I think it did. I am really gonna have to start checking.

So here we go again. Loved this one. Loved all the beautiful things that happened to you and how you got to see old friends. And I hope you have some really great weather today. We are in the high 80's and had to turn on the A/C cause hubby was too hot.

And very cute pic of the nephew you have there. He sure is enjoying himself. The river also looks very full, thank goodness that we had so much rain. Yea.

Oh and please, please go buy a lottery ticket. This is probably a fantastic time to do it.

God bless.

tony said...

Things Are Buzzing Here Too1 Enjoy!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Glad you got some nice weather. showers brought May showers which is bringing June showers which will bring July 4th showers which will finally bring summer...

Tana said...

Sounds like heaven! And what? No hot chocolate? Maybe one tiny sip??? ;)

Stacy Post said...

Glad to hear things are changing for the better! What an energetic post. Happy for you!!

Dorraine said...

Thrilled the clouds and rain cleared off and let sunshine and bright skies in!

And fab regarding your aura, energy level, margaritas and salsa. Do believe you've got a fine combination. Let it roll.

Reya Mellicker said...

I am LOVING Uranus in Aries. The bonds are breaking and everything is opening up.

If I did massage from 8 to 9:30, I would be dead. Just plain old: DEAD.

Damn, you are so good. xx & love. Enjoy your spring breezes! It's summer here - 9:30 at night and still 85 degrees.

Ronda Laveen said...

Sherry: I know what you mean about the comments. Happens to me all the time at Dorraine's blog. The nephew was happy until my sister took the Cheeto bag away. Boo hoo.

Tony: Yeah for you!

VE: I know what you mean. It is really late for us to have this much rain. This weekend is graduation so I'm sure we'll have rain then too.

T. Anne: Well, I didn't have hot chocolate...but I did have chocolate:-)

Stacy: Things are a poppin'!

Dorraine: I'm lovin' this Uranus concotion! I'm on the high roll, yes, indeed.

Reya: This new energy is a really high vibration and, yes, bonds are breaking. Last night it was 80 and 9:30. Tonight not so warm but in a week it will probably be 110.

Ze O said...

I definitely need some of your energy. It's reverse for me right now. I feel deflated. Some unpleasant changes are coming up at work plus the other two things you know about. I had a bad day yesterday but at least I finished off with a couple Appletinis! Don't know if that was wise, though...
Anyway, I feel very inspired. Just saying what you wrote can bring on the change I need, I'm sure.
Oooh, and I got a link! :D

notesfromnadir said...

You know someone who danced w/ Baryishnikov? What an incredibly lucky lady! :)

Barbara Martin said...

Uranus will be a godsend for most.

I felt the change begin about two weeks ago, a feeling of something good coming. This has been reflected in my dreams as well.

The eclipses coming up at the end of June and in July should shake some things up though.

Deanna Schrayer said...

Ronda, I'm so sorry I'm so far behind on reading! I've had a heck of a week, (phyically speaking), but I am starting to feel better and it's even supposed to be a mere 80 degrees here tomorrow! Woo-hoo - may have to break out a jogging suit.
How wonderful that you've had such a great several days, and did you say your friend got 20 DOZEN roses? Wow! Now that's some suitor.
Ya know, it amazes me the people who don't believe in astrology, when, if they'd just look at what happens when Mercury is retrograde, or Uranus moves into Aries, whatever, and compare it to what's going on in the world they'd be hard pressed to explain it otherwise.

Sad to say, I didn't take a picture of my peonies - what a ninny! Now they're almost gone. That's the only thing I hate about them, they don't last long enough. But, my son did plant his own little garden, (and by little I mean 5 whole plants), so maybe I can post a few pics of that.
And I owe you a post about submitting work - I promise it's coming, but this one's taking a bit of research so it may be a week or two.

Here's to more happy, sunny days!