Thursday, June 11, 2009

Swinging on a Star (Theme Thursday...Swing)

The rectangular sign squeaks its heavy metal song. Keeping time to the sway of its eyelet hangers, swinging, it points the way to Middle Earth. The Ceylon green, leaved skirts of the trees ruffle and ripple in hushed tones, undulating to invisible currents. In the street, discarded napkins and newspapers spiral in a ephemeral do-si-do. Honeysuckle and sandalwood, fragrant scents, lingering and peppered with bits of dust, drift along. The sacred geometry in the Mercaba, once depositing its four feminine, luminous passengers on the checked and flaking boardwalk, spins itself into gossamer "no-thing-ness." The divine feminine lovelies, Barbara, Sally, Francis, and Louisa, poised with the tentativeness of yearling fawns, peer through the quickly bruising night. In ancient tongues, their names mean: Stranger, Princess, Free, and Fights with Honor. In their world, you are named by the Gods.

The sign, barely visible in the spreading darkness, informs them that they have arrived at the right location, Mt. Shasta. One of the seven spiritual mountains of the world, she draws beings from everywhere. Magnetic. Powerful. Mysterious. Linking arm-in-arm, the ladies float down the street to find their uncles, Mike and Tony. Their father sent them here. He wanted them to learn of their lineage. He said the meeting place would be clearly designated. He was right.

Slipping inside, the young ladies, greeted by their uncles, sat for an evening's meal of bread, cheese, wine, and tales of long ago. There are legends here. Legends of Lemurians, an antediluvian race of people, related to the fleeing descendants of Atlantis. They are rumored to live deep below the mountain. For years, the locals have seen strange lights at night, encountered other-worldly mystics, and witnessed disappearing groups of people--right before their eyes--on that mountain. It is widely believed that the lenticular, lens-shaped clouds that often cling to the top of the mount, conceal flying saucers staffed with green and gray extra-terrestrials. It is here that St. Germain, an ascended master, brought forth the teachings of the Violet Consuming Flame of Transmutation.

Strange folk abound...psychics, healers, shamans, gurus, channelers and mystics. There are shops with teachers and tools for penetrating the void, that place where there is nothing but yet nothing is ever missing. One can find oils, vibrational essences, drums, rattles, stones, crystals, singing bowls, ceremonial sage and prayer flags. The I Am Presence is here, as strong as The Force. The waters, absolutely pure, are blessed and taken for cleansing and purification. All this and more, the young women learn.

With dinner and stories over for the night, the uncles lead their nieces to the balcony on the top, west side of the house. It is a full moon tonight. They enjoy bathing in her cold, beautiful, white but lonely glow as they wait for their ride home. In the distance, they see the fire. The comet, tail blazing like the fiery, blue-white spray of a welder's arc, sweeps toward the balcony. Reaching out their long, pale, graceful arms, the beauties swing up and on to the spritzing tail. Instantly, they vanish. Mike and Tony, with sweet, sad smiles upon their faces, wave goodbye. Minutes later, four sparking, baby diamond stars are Bedazzled upon the Milky Way's simple black dress. All sparkles, shimmers and excited chatter, they tell of their evening's experience of spirit being in a physical body. They tell their father about their night of swinging on the playground of planet Earth.


Mike said...

WOW! that was super creative! It seems that there is alot of talent in blogland!

Mrsupole said...

Was not expecting the ending. Great story. So this is why we have stars. I really enjoy the thought that their are things out there that we know nothing about. But it is also scarey to think of this too.

God bless.

Brian Miller said...

what a great story you have weaved ronda, loved it! how intriguing to think we have been visited from the stars...and in such a way too...not for conquest or to steal our babies...but to have a bit of fun. great tale!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say, "Wow!", but Otin beat me to it. That was utterly delightful. "Devine feminine lovelies..." who swing home on a comet! And it must be true--you have photographs of the signs they followed. ;-)

mouse (aka kimy) said...

the birth of a new myth!!

great story.... didn't see that coming.

never visited mt. shasta, but I really want to now after reading this especially after learning that it is one of the world's 7 spiritual mountains (what are the other 6?!)

Tom said...

great story! Way out!

Tess Kincaid said...

Wow, surprise ending! Fun post!

Wings1295 said...

Awesome, so imaginative! Love it! :)

Betsy Brock said...

What a creative take on 'swing'! Happy TT!

easytravel said...

great blog, thanks for share. I heva a blog about traveling, please visit my blog to share information.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Nice ending! I wondered where that was going...

Ronda Laveen said...

Otin: Thanks, wizard.

Sherry: Yes, it is both scary and thrilling to think about the unknown.

Brian: You got it! Not all visitors to our planet need to be harmful do they? We are fun to be around.

ADecker: Of course it's true. Every word. Yes, and I have evidence:)

Mouse: I like that...a new myth. Well, I couldn't remember all of the other spiritual mountains so I Googled it. You can find more info here:

It looks like several more have been added to the ones in the book I read about 10 years ago.

Mt. Agung, Bali
Mt. Croagh Patrick, Ireland
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Mt Kailash, Tibet
Mt. Nebo, Jordan
Mt. Shasta, California, USA
Mt. Sinai, Egypt
Mt. Tai (Tai Shan), China
Mt. Emei (Emei Shan), China
Uluru/Ayers Rock, Australia

Kat: Thanks.

Tom: Way out? Not the first time I've heard this about myself!

Willow: Glad you enjoyed.

Wings: It was fun to write.

VE: I though you knew ALL!

Jill: Happy TT to you too!

Easytravel: Thanks for stopping by.

tony said...

Stars Are Born And They Live Forever.So Nice Ronda.Thank You.
[You Have "Tony's" In The States!!!!]

Tess Kincaid said...

Hi Ronda, no problems with HDD's blog on my end!

Ronda Laveen said...

Tony: Yes, we DO have "Tony's" in the States. Are they related to you? Maybe you can teleport to there station. Maybe there could be Tony Teleport Stations all over the univers. Wadda ya think?

Willow: Thanks. Not sure what is going on.

Amy said...

That was so fun to read. Thank you for the story.

nanny said...

Thanks for that great story....and your header is beautiful!!!!

Baino said...

Awwwwww . . .I wanna swing on a star, at least it would keep my fingins warm! Great story, actually it would make a great movie! I miss my prayer flags . .your photo reminded me to get some more. They're strangely soothing.

Sandra Leigh said...

Fascinating stuff, Ronda - and I love your header.

Jaime said...

what a great story!

The Silver Fox said...

Mike and Tony. I love it.

Ronda Laveen said...

Nanny and Amy: Nice to have you join Theme Thursday. Thanks for stopping by.

Hi Baino: It would kinda make a neat movie, now that you mention it. I love the prayer flags but I've never thought to buy some for myself. Great idea. Thanks.

Sandra: Thanks, I live about an hour south of that mountain. Went up and played last weekend. There truly is a magic in this area.

Jaime: Thank you.

SF: Thanks, they are pretty kool star dudes.

Anonymous said...

Ronda, niiice! And especially the ending! You are the story weaver :)

Mary said...

You are so amazing - I want a ticket for a ride in your brain - destination unknown. Every Thursday the trip goes to a place unchartered. LOVE the ride.

Evening Light Writer said...

This absolutely wonderful and I'm not in the least bit surprised; you are deeply talented and creative and I am in awe of you sister!

Ronda Laveen said...

Subby: Thank you very much.

Mary: You are a very brave woman if you want a ticket for a ride in my brain!

Mindy: Back at ya, little one.

Megan said...

You. Are. Amazing.

What a great story.

Friend of ours recently climbed Mt Shasta. He said it was incredible.

lettuce said...

a really nice very different take on the theme!
I'd love to know the way to Middle Earth

lettuce said...

hope you don't mind if I shamelessly promote my latest blog post which is shamelessly promoting a new charity project - please read it and if you feel able help advertise (or contribute in any other way) that would be FAB

Candie said...

Wow Ronda!What a great post!Well done!

Whoistin-tinandsnowy? said...

Hi! Ronda,
What a very fascinating post!...
Very interesting!...
Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D

Reya Mellicker said...

Very cool! I definitely have a relationship with the stars, as do we all (I think). They feel like ancestors to me.

Mt. Shasta - yes, it is definitely, most definitely spiritual. I would add Tamalpais to that list, and Everest and Annapurna. I would also add a few of the lowly, but very holy peaks from the Appalachians, such as Slade's Knob in W. Virginia.

My list would be very long, apparently!

New Yorker wannabes said...

Love it (oh I said that:)!

Thank you Ronda!
Have a great week :)

Ronda Laveen said...

Megan: Your friend is right Mt. Shasta is truly a strong mountain. I'm glad your friend returned safely. It seems like every year someone under estimates her and doesn't return.

Lettuce: Thanks and I will check out your blog promoting your charity work.

Candie: Thanks. Nice to hear from you.

Dee Dee: Thanks for stopping by.

Reya: I totally agree with you on a couple of points. First, that stars are part of our ancestory. Second, that the list of holy mountains can be incredibly long. And what I find fascinating is why they are considered spiritual. Some beacause the mountain itself is thought to be holy. Others because of a god or being who was believed to have lived there.

Mariann: You have a great weekend too!

Megan said...

I've climbed Tamalpais! And Mt Diablo...

Ronda Laveen said...

Megan: You are quite the little studette!

Reyjr said...

Ronda! Great post! ;)
Thanks for visiting me! and Thanks for playing!

Hammer said...

Okay, so here's the weird part. Just last week, I was scanning northern CA in my Rand McNally Road Atlas and started thinking about visiting Mt. Shasta as part of a trip to SF. I've been to SF only a couple times and Mount Shasta never, but years ago in Greece I met a woman from there who spoke glowingly of it. So there I was, thinking of visiting some SF folks I haven't seen in forever, and for reasons I can't explain I felt a resonance to Mt. Shasta and decided it was probably worth a side trip, and then blammo - a couple days later I see your post. And it's not like Mt. Shasta was on some short list of multiple options - I didn't consider a single alternate destination, and God knows you've got plenty to choose from up there.

It was bad enough when Reya started reading my mind, but now you too? Man...

Ronda Laveen said...

Like you said in an earlier post, strange things are afoot in the Hammerverse. Do you remember how the woman in Greece knew of Mount Shasta? On my end, one of the weirdest parts is that what you have been writing lately triggered the Mt. Shasta post. Talk about synchronicity!

And Reya...we have kinda developed this mental link. So very often she makes statements about things that I'm pondering and vice versa. She is a powerful woman and me thinks you have very few places left to hide.

Hammer said...

She knew about it because that's where she hailed from. As for your psychic collusion with Reya, it's nothing my tin foil hats can't stop.

I think.

I hope.


Ronda Laveen said...

You will have to craft your tin foil hats in the shape of a pyramid if you're to even come close to standing a chance of repelling psychic collusion. Hey, those might even be marketable. Hammer's Hats.