A word none of us ever want to hear in connection with our name or those we love. Everyone I know thinks that the nebulous "they" should have found a cure for it by now. But who are they and how is that cure going to come about? Many of us, including myself, just spout letters and words and shake our clenched fists in frustration. But, there are an elite few who actually try to grab those grubby, aberrant cells and wrestle them into submission.
One of those people is blogger Christina Bruning. You may recognize her from her blog, Christina's Outlet and, more recently, Christina's Ride to Conquer Cancer. She's committed herself to riding from Vancouver to Seattle, Washington, a two-day cycling event, as part of a fund raiser for the BC Cancer Foundation.
She was prepared for the Herculean task of training for the event. She was prepared for the grueling journey through Canada's Pacific region. What she wasn't prepared for was that, unless she raises at least $2500, she won't be allowed to ride with the other cyclists. Oh, the foundation will accept her funds, but not her wheelin'. I guess they have their reasons but, I don't understand why you would want to alienate enthusastic volunteers.
And this girl wants to ride. "It will be a challenge in a number of ways, but with my bike, my helmet, and your generosity, a real impact will be made!," says Christina. So, if you can donate even $1, it will get her just that much closer to her goal. The ride is in early June so she still has time to make her goal.
What difference will $1 make, you ask?
Well, many years ago, I managed a bowling center. I worked many, many hours. I worked very, very hard. No matter how hard I worked, I never seemed to be able to meet everyone's expectations. Or so I thought.
On the last minute of my last night, New Year's Eve, 1992, in front of a packed house of party bowlers, I was presented a coffee can stuffed full of money. ONE THOUSAND ONE DOLLAR BILLS collected $1 at a time from my employees, friends and customers. They wanted me to know how much they appreciated what I did for them. They wanted me to know that they noticed. They wanted me to take a well deserved vacation, which I did. I will never forget those people. EVER!
Times are tough.
I know.
Money is tight.
I know.
The economy is bad.
I know.
$1 CAN make a difference.
I know.
Help Christina realize her dream by recognizing her hard work with a donation, a side bar or blog post or sending out e-mails. If she succeeds, we all succeed.
Donate Now!
Times are tough.
I know.
Money is tight.
I know.
The economy is bad.
I know.
$1 CAN make a difference.
I know.
Help Christina realize her dream by recognizing her hard work with a donation, a side bar or blog post or sending out e-mails. If she succeeds, we all succeed.
Donate Now!
(Click "Donate Now" link above to contribute to Christina)
Pretty please?

Where do I send money? I will go to her site. Thanks Ronda!
Small Steps But Giant Leaps.
I hope that Christina makes lots of money for her cause.
I'm not sure how I go about this - I may have to make a more local donation. Every blessing to her, though.
Your post in support is excellent.
wonderful cause...cancer has touched my family and $1 is not a great sacrifice...off to check out her site! great job ronda!
This is great. I definitely hope Christina gets to ride.
And as for cancer, I'm with you, shaking my fist at the sky. My own theories around it revolve around environmental factors that encourage cancerous development. Until we clean up the landscape, how can a "cure" be found?
I hope I'm wrong about that!
It's highly frustrating that after all those researches, big funds, Nobel prizes, organizations - there's no cure or even some efficient treatment that would replace surgery (of the kind mentioned in Mrsupole comment, or removal of organs).
Anyway, what Christina intends to do is a very noble gesture.
Wooooow, what a beautiful post, Ronda!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You gals just have a way with words, it's incredible. I love every single word. You have totally nailed it.
So I guess working at the Bowling Alley is nothing like Homer Simpson tried to make us believe, huh?
I think it's wonderful what your employers and customers did for you back then. That was a lot of money to come together!
Thank you all you nice commenters up above me. Everything helps: a post, a response, a nod, a smile, a buck. I feel empowered by all of you.
The world is a pretty awesome place - from time to time. :)
What a great post. I hope she reaches her goal.
Thanks for the vicarious introduction to a wonder woman, off to her site. -J
Otin: if you click on the button at the bottom of the post that reads "Donate Now," you will be taken to the correct sight for donations. Thank you for your consideration.
Tony: Yes, indeed.
Nessa: I hope she does too!
Dave: Thank you. If you click on the "Donate Now" button at the bottom of the post, you'll be taken to the donation site.
Brian: A dollar here and there does add up. And it sounds like, personally, you know what it feels like when your family is touched. Thank you.
Reya: I dearly hope she gets to ride too! She is a powerhouse.
I, too, fear the environmental aspect of cancer. If it is correct that it plays deeply into the origin of cancer, it will be a long time before it is contained.
DUTA: Yes, the lack of progress is highly frustrating. I didn't get to read Mrsupole's comment. It looks like she deleted it for some reason. I hope she reposts her response. I'll contact her for more information. Christina is trying very, very hard on a personal level to make a change for the better.
Christina: My pleasure. I know you need the encouragement and personal support as much as you do the donations. I hope you feel that support from us. Working a bowling center is nothing like Homer Simpson portrayed. Well...mostly not, any way. Bowlers are wonderful people.
Jai: Thank you for your support.
Jayne: You're welcome. I think you will enjoy her energy.
Mrsupole: I heard you had a comment up here that you have removed for some reason. Would love to read it.
I would be most happy to donate. What a touching story. Thanks for bringing it to us, Ronda. My best to Christina!
Not this time Rhonda then getting $1 to the US costs a little more than that. I support the Cancer Council out here so I support her in spirit .. I really hope she raises the funds. Seems very peevish of them not to let her ride no matter what money she raises.
Dorraine: Thank you! I was very touched by my friends support. I know Christina will be delighted and encouraged by any help, financial or other wise.
Baino: Thank you for your emotional support and the work you are already committed to in your area. Thank you for explaining about getting money in and out of this country. Dave King alluded to it but didn't spell it out. I know that Christina will be bolstered to continue her solicitations because of all of your thoughts. Even a comment on her blog would help.
Mrsupole posted this as the first comment on this post. She then deleted it because she thought it too depressing. When I asked her about it, she allowed me to re-post. Thanks, Sherry and God Bless.
Mrsupole sez:
Okay, I know this is a hard subject for everyone to talk or read about, but we have all probably been affected by cancer in some way, either through friends or family.
And even sometimes with ones self. Okay there I have said it. I rarely talk about it. They had to cut a piece out of my face. It was not melanoma, but basal cell, a less common skin cancer. Luckily it was not malignant. Since then they have cut almost every mole out of my body. Doc says they have caught every one just before they turned cancerous. Actually I have been lucky because that means they caught them just in time. Due to the type on my face, the doctors have kept track of every mole on my body and when we noticed changes in them, then that is when they cut them out. I have a few more that need cut out and do need to get going on that, but because of the shoulder surgery I am so tired of getting things cut up or out on my body. Hubby's nickname for me is Frankenstein, but at least I am still here for him to call that.
Without research then maybe they would not have known about a less common skin cancer and then I might not have caught those moles before they advanced too far.
So I do ask everyone here, please, please donate what you can. Please post this on your website, please help, because without your help I might not be here today posting this comment or posting about this ride on my site. You never know who you might help with that one dollar. Someone helped me with their one dollar. I am thankful to whoever that was and just know that someone will be thankful to you for saving their life.
Thank you.
God bless.
interesting information!
Way to go Christina! I just love hearing about people who are as dedicated as you are, and thank you Ronda for bringing Christina and her goal to our attention. I'll be tweeting the link to this blog throughout the weekend.
By the way, there's an award for you at my fiction site, The Other Side of Deanna http://theothersideofdeanna.wordpress.com/2010/04/01/what-makes-you-happy/#comment-871
Thank you for making me happy!
Christina, much luck and love to you!
I keep being very moved and impressed by all the responses here. You are a great bunch!
Mrs U, I forgot all about your bout with cancer. :-o I am so glad they caught it early. I will definitely think of you when riding - and otherwise.
Thank you, thank you, and take good care, everybody!
Jingle: Thank you.
Deanna: Thank you for the Twitter Tweet out this weekend. I'll be right over to check out my award. Thanks, again.
Christina: Some nice support, yes?
What a great cause and good for you for drawing attention to it - I will donate.
I think that was an amazing gift from your colleagues too... Fabulous.
Hi! Ronda,
Ronda said,"This graphic was created by Christina. She's very talented."
I agree with you wholeheartedly, the graphic is very nice.
Ronda, what an awe-inspiring post...
...I plan to step up to plate and I will also place information on my side bar too!
Thanks, Ronda,, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
We do need more Christinas don't we??? Bravo for her and I am thoroughly inspired!
Off to check out her site.
ED: Thank you for your thoughtfulness. My co-workers were fabulous, weren't they?
DeeDee: A spot on your side bar, even a comment of ner blog will help boster her resolve. Thank you.
Jill:Yes, we do need more Christinas in the world. I know she will be happy for your visit.
in case you did not get it yet,
Happy Tuesday!
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