In our little corner of California, part of the spring ritual is a tribute to Americana. A tipping of the Fedora to Detroit iron. A curtsy to an era when automobiles were the main mode of transportation. We celebrate by spending a few days waxing our vintage cars to a high gloss shine and remembering the 1950's...a simpler time.

Always held in mid-April, the weather is determined by a spin of the wheel and a roll of the dice on the game board of spring. Some years, like this one, after a week of slammin' storms and thunderous clamor, the clouds acquiesce and the glory of brother sun shines on this golden winner of a weekend.

Others, we lose and the sentinel clouds do not allow brother sun to pass. Even so, the party slogs on, a little damp and less attended, as the heartiest road knights cruise back in time.

Cops turn a blind eye to all but the most flagrant instances of chirping tires, breaking traction and the deep, hot rumble of illegal mufflers.

We listen to unchained melodies recorded by The Righteous Brothers, The Big Bopper, The Diamonds, The Five Satins and The Platters.

Songs spun into the air by the infamous disc jockey, Wolfman Jack. The gravelly voiced broadcaster, who worked for the station with the strongest radio signal in the country, kept drivers company as they traveled from LA to New York.
Cruisn' is a family tradition passed down from generation to generation, year after year.
See ya later, alligator.
Kook April Nites 2010
Always held in mid-April, the weather is determined by a spin of the wheel and a roll of the dice on the game board of spring. Some years, like this one, after a week of slammin' storms and thunderous clamor, the clouds acquiesce and the glory of brother sun shines on this golden winner of a weekend.
Others, we lose and the sentinel clouds do not allow brother sun to pass. Even so, the party slogs on, a little damp and less attended, as the heartiest road knights cruise back in time.
Cops turn a blind eye to all but the most flagrant instances of chirping tires, breaking traction and the deep, hot rumble of illegal mufflers.
We listen to unchained melodies recorded by The Righteous Brothers, The Big Bopper, The Diamonds, The Five Satins and The Platters.
Songs spun into the air by the infamous disc jockey, Wolfman Jack. The gravelly voiced broadcaster, who worked for the station with the strongest radio signal in the country, kept drivers company as they traveled from LA to New York.
Cruisn' is a family tradition passed down from generation to generation, year after year.
See ya later, alligator.
Kook April Nites 2010
You're such a rev head!
That was great, wish I could have been close enough to join you in person!
oh now that is just too cool...wish i was there as well. old cars are very cool.
That was such a kool video. Did you take it? Very glad that the weather was nice and sunny for everyone. Sometimes I do miss some of my older cars but then I do love my Honda.
Thank you for sharing those pics and love the Poodle Skirt. Plus do you remember how we were only allowed to wear dresses to school? And on Friday's we could wear really nice pantsuits, oh how times change.
God bless.
In a while crocodile ...
Ah, memories of Wolfman Jack. Hadn't thought of him in years (or is it decades -gulp?!?)
Pictures were great. You could totally do the advertising for this event! It sounds like it's just a really, really fun time.
Ronda, that is a huge deal isn't it? So many cars there. Do you know the total number of cars that participate? I would be there in a heartbeat with a whole lot of shakin' goin on!!
Love the panoramic video. You're so cool, Ronda!!
Glad you got some great weather, too!
That looks like so much fun! My boys would love it! And they'll have, "fun fun fun 'til the daddy takes the T-bird away!"
Baino: Rev Head? LOVE IT!
Gemel: That would have been fun.
Brian: I know you love old cars. I read the post about you flipping that car through the air:-)
My God,thats really a splendid occasion.Such a lovely cars at one place. Your video is great.
Cool! Those are some wicked vintage cars.
It's funny how in nostalgia we think of previous decades as simpler times but forget about all the hassle we went through in those years. Like in the 50s there was the cold war and the McCarthey era and no rights for women. We forget about all that because it's so much nicer to think of cool cars and easy sunday mornings and the idyllics spring times where we lived it up with our families.
It says a lot about the human mind's ability to filter out the negativity and focus on the positive.
Such a colorful event with vintage cars as protagonists! It's well known that americans love their cars.
You were lucky with the weather; it behaved and didn't spoil it to the participants.
OMG, Ronda, I know I lady you would totally love. I never knew she was a vintage car fan until I became her Facebook friend. If you were just a little closer I would introduce you... :)
Sherry: Yes, I did take the vid. My first. They'll get better (I hope). And, yes, I do remember when we could only wear dresses to school. I got sent home or to the office more than once when I was in high school.
Lorenzo: I hadn't thought of the Wolfman for a long time either. Then, I saw American Graffiti on tv the other night...he was in that movie.
Kate: Thanks for thinking that I could do the advertising for KAN. I guess after going 21 years in a row, it kinda gets in your blood.
TechnoBabe: In the show, there were offically over 2500 cars registered. But besides those, the unregisterd cars that are out and about equal that or more. There are easily 5000 classic and vintage autos sporting about.
Reya: Thanks, my first movie:-)
JGH: Definitely nifty fifties weather.
Stacy: I'm sure your boys would love cruisin' in one of those fine cars.
Jitu: Thank you, the chrome from that many cars is almost blinding.
Jai: You are right about man's ability to filter out the bad things and associate with the good times. In the 50's, the innocence, burgers, family-centric households, not so many drugs all seem idyllic.
DUTA: We DO love our cars. Are the car infatuations in your country? The weather was fab!
Christina: I would love to meet your car friend if we were closer. We could take you on a CRUZ.
Oh, so glad you had the sun! Thanks for sharing the pictures and the video.
What is that second one? I mean, what kind of car?
Whoops, the third one, sorry...
I think it is a Ford or a Buick Woodie Station wagon. Cool, huh? It was fixed so cute with the surfboard, picnic basket, soda container. What a blast it would be to roll to the beach in that car.
Great fun. Wish I could join you.
Looks like you had a fab time! Oh, I remember Wolfman Jack. Does that ever take me back!
Now I will search for my VHS tape of American Graffiti!
Love the old muscle cars!
Dave: would love to see a haiku you would write about this.
Dorraine: the Wolfman took me back too. How I remember listening to his broadcasts late at night under a full moon and thinking how cool that was.
Otin: Yeah, check out American Graffiti. He has a good role in it...short but perfect.
What fun! I love these sort of festivals Ronda, and most any type of music festival.
This reminds me of when I was in high school - my cousin and I had to take my grandmother's '64 Mercury to school every day, (this was in 1983), and we were so embarrassed we slunk down as far as we could get in the seat. How I'd love to have that car now!
That's the one we want for our PCH cruise!
Deanna: I'll bet you'd love to have your time back in that '64 Merc. You didn't know how cool you were did you?
Megan: Your a cruiser! Yes!
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